colonial Job:Being a potter

Dear Diary,
I live in colonial life my job is being a potter. A potter a person who makes pottery like for example mugs, bowls, and jugs. Pottery is something you really need in colonial life. Jamestown has revealed that several different types of pottery were used in the settlement. Pottery is made of wet clay kind of like mud when it starts to harden it kind of becomes like a really hard rock. To make pottery you will need clay then start to knead it until it becomes softer. Then you need to mold whatever you would like to make. Now you just need to let dry and that how you make pottery. Being a potter is fun and easy
Sincerely, Emily A.
3 sources I have used

Halloween Night

One Halloween night in the dark woods there was a zombie named Franklinstein. Franklinstein went trick or treating that  Halloween night. There was a group of girls named Olivia, Sofia, and Annie. They did not like trick or treating because they were scared of horror things, but this year they decided to go trick or treating.#bad idea. Franklinstein went to the same house the girls did. Then they saw Franklinstein and got extremely scared and ran away. Franklinstein felt bad for scaring them. He tried to find the girls so he can apologize to them. He finally found the girls. He tried to make them calm down and the girls listened to him and apologized to him as well. Then a couple of days later they became best friends. THE END